Is Merging Website + Blog = CMS??

    Is Merging Website + Blog = CMS??

    Every CMS on the market today is mainly sourced for website and blogging purposes. But are they just that only or how to maximize the CMS framework advantage? Below mentioned are some of the interesting options to choose from, Contact us and let us know what you require and GoingIT will deliver the ‘right’ solution for the right price.

    Get Solution with GoingIT

    It is quite possible that you can get a website made for some amount either for less, depending on who and how you are getting the job done. You can pretty much buy a template from the internet , get a modest hosting service and upload the theme, change the logo and insert your content and you think you are done, Right? It works! It really does! So why do you need custom services which could cost more, a lot more?

    Getting a website for different prices with a high budget. GoingIT understands that each business owners looking for unique templates which is definitely not works for you when free template can brought by anyone with some amount, you have already tried the above alternative and it’s just not deliver the job. There were issues. Making changes needed expertise and time you did not have or were simply a luxury, and finally, you paid someone to do a better job and it cost more, but it worked and working well.

    Power of CMS & eCommerce

    Be it the WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, the top 3 content management platforms in the world through all based on PHP and all of them have one basic function in common and that is to be able to become an integrated product sales website, complete with shopping carts, product listing, category management, payment gateway integration and everything you will require. The good ones are effective. It works!

    Strength of CMS Framework

    Every CMS can be converted into a very unique business application, geared to fit a specific business purpose. The above themes and cost options exist for reasons of simplicity, objective decision making and overall communications and strategic placement within the market. What GoingIT are talking about enabling via CMS framework are plugins that can be become a business application of its own kind. GoingIT have the expertise to build an application plugin in any of the top 5 frameworks in the market today and GoingIT have delivered some amazing, multi platform solutions that are delivering high value for money.

    Reach us today for best quotes.

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