404 business page

    Custom 404 Error Page: How Can It Generate Sales in Your Online Store

    Can the custom 404 error page really help out your online sales?

    Let’s first begin by explaining what the 404 error page is. It’s basically an HTTP protocol. It’s a standard thing to use in your computer network. It means that the client was able to communicate and/or connect with a given server. The only problem is the server could not find the given request. It basically deals with a broken or dead link. The page could have also been deleted for some reason.

    Can It be helpful when it comes to eCommerce website design and eCommerce website development?

    Yes it can, actually. This protocol can be put in place, this way your clients find the correct page. This might sound a bit weird to hear, especially when it comes to ecommerce website design and ecommerce website development, but here us out.

    1) Why not have a search box? This box is perfect to help your clients find you. In most cases, the 404 error page appears without anything having to do with the search box. What if you were to change this? We are not saying you should intentionally do this all the time, but it can help your sales out. If your client were to find this box and type in your address, the box will get them to you. This way you won’t lose out on a sale. It’s sort of the unintended paradox. It’s something that you can turn around and use in your favor.

    2) When it comes to your web design, you might to have some sort of navigational menu. If something happens to be broken in the short-term, then your client won’t have to go backwards. They can continue to go forwards. You can still make the sale, in spite of the possible loss of a link.

    3) Have some fun with your web design. Say one of your links gets unintentionally broken or lost. If you have some sort of quirky message or image in there, then it might go along way to helping you out. The message will appear. Instead of getting upset, the client will still consider doing business with you. It might not mean that much to you, but it will mean a lot to your client.

    What Kind of Graphics you can use on 404 Page

    You can use a cute little cartoon graphic with a sad face. Use some sort of appeasing message and have information on how to get back to the intended page(s). You can also use a giant “search our blog” graphic. This way they can put in their intended choice or visit the archives. Believe it or not this will actually go along way to increasing your sales. If the client sees you are trying to be proactive at every turn, then you are more likely to retain them as part of your client base.

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